PRAXIS Fall 2010 - Adult Education [PDF]

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Department of Religious Education


This issue of PRAXIS looks at the often overlooked need to provide education to adults who may have gaps in their experience in the church - and could benefit from timely guidance and the world gets more complicated.

Featured Articles:

Beyond Child's Play: Adult Education in the Parish by Anton C. Vrame
Orthodoxy 102: On the Role of the Lay Teacher of Adults by Harold A. Peponis
Encountering Women of Faith: The Experience of St. Catherine's Vision by Barbara K. Harris
A year of Adult Education: A Teacher's Perspective by Brent Holliday


Religious Education Basics: Does the Archdiocese have a Curriculum?


Teach like a Champion – Doug Lemov, Reviewed by Anton C. Vrame
Go Forth – Fr. Luke A. Veronis, Reviewed by Stanley S. Harakas


The Wood of the Cross: The Leadership of Anamnesis by Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos
Parent to Parent Q&A by Jeanette Aydlette & Elizabeth Borch
Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos: Reflections on a Blessed Life by Fr. Peter Chamberas
Words with Thought: Experiencing the St. John Chysostom Oratorical Festival by Michael Goodfriend

From the Director: Focusing on Adults Changes the View by Anton C. Vrame