PRAXIS Fall 2012 - Theology Matters [PDF]

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Department of Religious Education


This issue of PRAXIS covers theological explorations from former and current faculty from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.

Featured Articles:

"Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology: A Center for Theological Formation and Education" by Rev. Dr. Thomas FitzGerald

"The Forgotten Connection between Liturgy and Theology" by Rev. Dr. Philip Zymaris

"The Untamable Textbook and Its Handouts: Ruminations on the Scripture–Tradition Relationship" by Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc

"Unknown to God? St. John Chrysostom and the Divine Imperative to Care for Our Neighbor" by Rev. Dr. Anthony Stratis


You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church…and Rethinking Faith – David Kinnaman
Reviewed by Christina Meares

Greening the Orthodox Parish: A Handbook for Christian Ecological Practice – Frederick W. Krueger
Reviewed by Anton C. Vrame


"When We Lose the Unthinkable – A Child" by Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides

"Real Break" by Arianna Ranahosseini

"Oratorical Festival Speakers Say, 'Take a Leap of Faith' ”

"2012 National Festival Top Speeches"

Senior Division: Alexa Cristina Pappas
Junior Division: Elena Bilotto

"From the Director: Theology Matters!" by Anton C. Vrame