PRAXIS Spring 2012 - The Ministry of Teaching [PDF]

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Department of Religious Education


This issue of PRAXIS covers teaching methods, incentives and how parents contribute to the process.

Featured Articles:

Christ: The Teacher of Teachers by Anton C. Vrame
The Role of the Priest in Christian Education by Rev. Dr. Peter G. Rizos
Wby They Teach by Andrew Constantinou, Joni Zavitsanos, Rosemary Shumski, Gerry
Clonaris and Dorothea Love
Parenting as Stewardship: The Role of Parents in Moral and Faith Formation by Panayiotis Sakellariou


Religious Education Basics: Achievement and Incentives by Basil Xeros, interviewed by Elizabeth Borch

Parent to Parent Q&A: How do you help your child focus in Church? Compiled by Elizabeth Borch


Special Needs and Disabilities Handbooks Reviewed by Anton C. Vrame

Exceptional Teaching – Jim Pierson
Let All the Children Come to Me – MaLesa Breeding, Dana Hood, and Jerry Whitworth
The Special Needs Ministry Handbook – Amy Rapada


The Very Rev. Fr. George Papadeas: A Priest for All Seasons by Rev. Dr. Miltiades B. Efthimiou
How Do Others See Us? by Michael Kinnamon
A Response to “How Do Others See Us?” by Anton C. Vrame

From the Director: Recognizing Teachers by Anton C. Vrame