PRAXIS Winter 2010 - Teaching Difficult Topics [PDF]

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Department of Religious Education


This issue of PRAXIS looks at challenging and controversial issues that are hard to speak with youth about - particularly when the stance of the church seems out of step with modern life.

Featured Articles:

Teaching and Living Difficult Issues by Fr. Stanley S. Harakas
Dialogue: Communicating With a Difference by Dn. Markos Nickolas
Contemporary BioethicaL Issues for Orthodox Christians by Dr. Gayle Woloschak
Tell it Slant: Sex Ed and the Faith by Priscilla Callos
Premarital Issues by Brad Borch
The Discerning Orthodox Parent: Helping Children Navigate Life in the Public Schools by Despina Stavros


Religious Education Basics: Live the Liturgy - Teach the Liturgy


Angels and Autism: Finding Faith for the Autistic Child by Anton C. Vrame
The Woman and the Wheat / The Man and the Vine by Elizabeth Borch


Saint Brigid of Kildare by Jane G. Meyer
The Nicene Creed: The Orthodox Perspective and its Relevance Today by Fr. George Zervos and George S. Gabriel
St Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine by Polly Maouris Hillier

From the Director: The Challenge of our Times by Anton C. Vrame