PRAXIS Winter 2012 - Social Justice [PDF]

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Department of Religious Education


This issue of PRAXIS looks frame social justice in the context of philanthropy, philoxenia and almsgiving.

Featured Articles:

Love and the Kingdom by Rev. Fr. Mark Elliott
Feed the Hungry Program Turns 20 by Maria A. Karamitsos
St. Luke's Night of Sharing: Putting Our Faith into Action by Pearl Homiak
Homeless Outreach Ministry by Despina Kartson
I was a Stranger by Eva Stathi
Teaching Our Children Compassion by Melissa K. Tsongranis
Loving Our Neighbor: Seeing Christ in the Face of the Homeless by Anna Colis


Religious Education Basics: Know. Believe. Do. by Aimee Cox Ehrs

Parent to Parent Q&A by Jeanette Aydlette & Elizabeth Borch


Doing Good Together – Jenny Friedman and Jolene Roehlkepartain. Reviewed by Aimee Cox Ehrs
The Tomorrows Children Face When a Parent Dies. Reviewed by Anton C. Vrame


The Influence of Sacred Leadership by Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos
Parents, Speak Up! Honoring SUnday by Rev. Fr. Andrew George
Internet Pornography: The Current Plague by Albert S. Rossi
The Religious Alliance AGainst Pronography by Theo Nicolakis

From the Director: More Than Liturgy... by Anton C. Vrame