Teacher Content: Twelve Great Feasts VCS Vol 3 - Feast of the Triumph of Christ and His Church - PDF

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Volume III of Vacation Church School (VCS) The Twelve Great Feasts explores the four Great Feasts of the Church dedicated to the triumph of Christ and His Church. Focusing the theme of “Going for the Gold," the program covers Palm Sunday, Ascension, Pentecost, and the Exaltation of the Cross. (Ages 5-11)

The robust program keeps children moving and engaged with the following components:

  • Hymns and original songs
  • Crafts
  • Puppet theater
  • Morning and afternoon prayer services
  • Worship lessons
  • Classroom lessons, activities, and memory verse
  • Recreation and snack time
  • Daily full-group assemblies and a closing program
  • Spotlight on missions

Teacher's content contains all academic lessons, classroom activities, memory verses, crafts instructions, and music. Available as a digital download. 

The accompanying Director's Guide provides materials for program planning, promotion/publicity, registration, staff selection and training, job descriptions, daily and weekly schedules, and curriculum implementation, as well as suggestions for decorations and craft suppliers. Also includes all program-wide materials, such as group assembly outlines, puppet theater scripts, lyrics, and sheet music for original songs. Sold separately.

Data and Music CD sold separately. 

 *3 max downloads. Expires in 30 days.