- Year:
- 2013
- Media:
- 7 DVDs
- ISBN-13:
- 9781584380450
"Discovering Orthodox Christianity," a 26–part series of talk shows and Bible studies has been published for no cost viewing on youtube for several years, but a limited number of physical media products were also produced.
Produced by Greek Orthodox Telecommunications, (GOTelecom) and designed to educate viewers about the basic teachings of Orthodox Christianity, the series was made possible with a grant from the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund.
Staci Spanos, newscaster from Jacksonville, Fla., served as the host, engaging the guests and inspiring thoughtful and educational discussions.
Following is a list of all program topics and presenters:
- What is Orthodox Christianity? - Rev. Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald and Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis
- The Bible in the Orthodox Church – The Old Testament -Rev. Dr. Harry Pappas
- The Bible in the Orthodox Church – The New Testament - Rev. Dr. Eugen Pentiuc and Dr. Bruce Beck
- Worship in Life - Rev. Dr. Alkiviadis Calivas and Rev. Dr. Philip Zymaris
- The Orthodox Liturgical Year - Rev. Dr. Philip Zymaris and Rev. Fr. John Vlahos
- The House of God – Iconography - Dr. Helen C. Evans and Dr. Anton C. Vrame
- The House of God – Architecture, Vestments the Religious Articles - Dr. Helen C. Evans and Dr. Anton C. Vrame
- Music in the Orthodox Church - Archdeacon Panteleimon Papadopoulos, Dr. Vicki Pappas and Dr. Grammenos Karanos
- The Early Church - Dr. Demetrios S. Katos and Dr. James C. Skedros
- The Modern Church – the Growth of the Orthodox Church in America -Fr. Mark Arey and Dr. Anton C. Vrame
- The Ecumenical Patriarchate – Aspects of Past and Present: Archbishop Demetrios of America
- Orthodoxy and Other Faith Tradition - Metropolitan Methodios of Boston and Rev. Dr. Demetrios Tonias
- Orthodoxy: Faith In Action - Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit and Fr. John Vlahos
- The Orthodox Stance on Moral the Social Issues - Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, and V. Rev. Dr. Nathanael Symeonides
- Saints and Martyrs of the Orthodox Church - Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis and Dr. James C. Skedros
- The Changing Orthodox Family - Rev. Fr. Constantine L. Sitaras and Presbytera Kerry Pappas
- Orthodoxy and Our Youth - Fr. Jason Roll and Eva Kokinos
- Ministering to our Elderly -V. Rev. Dr. Nathanael Symeonides
- Orthodoxy in a New Media Age - Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh and Theo Nicolakis
- Faith and Pop Culture - Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh
- Patristics – The Fathers of the Church - Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis and Dr. James C. Skedros
- The Ethics of Orthodoxy - Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit and Rev. Dr. Mark Sietsema
- An Interpretation of Psalm 8 – A Bible study;
- An Interpretation of the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 19, Verses 1-10 – A Bible study;
- An Interpretation of St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Chapter 8,, Verses 31–39 – A Bible study;
- An Interpretation of the First Epistle of St. John, Chapter 4, Verses 7–16 – A Bible study.