Divine Liturgy Hymnal in Hardbound (2nd Edition)

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National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
Book Publisher:
GOA Department of Religious Education
Cover Style:
Hard Cover


Designed for congregational signing, the Divine Liturgy Hymnal is a musical setting of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom that was produced in 2016 by the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and approved by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. With Greek, Greek phonetics and English. 

This Hymnal also contains additional hymns that were translated and approved by the Holy Eparchial Synod, as well as hymns from the Oloi Mazi project of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. It offers new arrangements of the hymns with a more Byzantine sound than the older hymnal. There are slight melodic variations in the musical phrasing of the Greek and English versions of the same hymn to better express the text and meet the musical need of each language appropriately.

The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians and the Department of Religious Education worked together to create this new Hymnal, which was approved by the Eparchial Synod.

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  • 5
    Simple yet detailed; Very easy to follow complete with instructions too.

    Posted by Nathanaela on May 23rd 2022

    This is very helpful given that there aren't that many resources that you can find online that will teach you what to chant and how to chant the hymns. I also like the Greek part in the book it makes it easier for us to pronounce the Greek words properly. For some reason though the texts of the hymns do not match with our copy (without the notes). But it doesn't really matter. This is a really useful guide for us. Thank you!

  • 5
    Excellent to follow the hymns in the Liturgy

    Posted by David Cassens on Sep 15th 2021

    This is very useful, what my family particular likes is that the fact that on the Greek page, the words are transliterated into the Latin script, which helps us pronounce Greek when is is sung in Church. No one speaks Greek in our immediate family, so this is very helpful.